Blog Posts of Category Life

Moving and Work

Well, how does it all go? It goes like this:

I didn't get all the stuff packed yesterday, so I'm gonna have to go back again tonight. we moved my bunk bed, but it's not set up yet because there's a rather bad leak in the room I'm gonna hang out in. Besides the 13 guys that I'm living with, this large frat house will have another 8-10 people who are renting a room, and most of them move in a day or two from now.

Moving Now

Well, I'm working on moving. It's terrible, though, because my room's in a distant part of the house and I was basically the only one who went in there. So, I had very little inspiration to clean it and keep it neat. It's not really looking much better, but I have a lot of garbage I've cleared out. It's gonna take a while longer, I think.

Last Day of 1888

OK, so it's not 1888, the title refers to a song by Kids In The Way.

But today is my last day of work, and right now I'm in the middle of it. Actually, the phones have been decently quiet today, so it's not too hectic. I just wish they didn't have everything so locked down - if their systems were more accomodating, I could work on websites while I'm here.

Get Out!

Last night while talking with a few friends we talked about what the Enemy has been doing in our life. We're starting to read a series of talks about the Devil and how to recognize him. It's interesting. (Yeah, you can call him V-v-You-Know-Who if you like.)

I was thinking about how much of my problems I attribute to the interference of Satan. I don't think I do very often. Sometimes I just say it's a bad day, sometimes I just think I'm stupid. But rarely do I think, "it's the devl interfering."

Brother Roger Killed

I don't know if most news sources have been picking this up, but I learned from Jon's blog that the current leader of Taizé was stabbed to death. For those who do not know, Taizé is a community in France that focuses on prayer and meditation. During my years in the St. Thomas choir, we took part in a number of prayers and songs that were based on the Taizé way, and they were great.

A Crazy Fall

This fall is shaping up to be a crazy one for me. As of today, not only am I moving into a house by the University that will probably have 20 other guys in it, but I'm also starting a new job in a couple weeks.

A Milestone!

According to my WordPress blogging software, this is the 100th post since I started this in February.

Wait? Does mean I should say "blog" 100 times?

blog blog blog BLOG bLOG blog blog blog blog blog...

That would only be fun if I created a little program to randomize the capitalizatino of the letters. And I'm not going too. At least I'm celebrating this momentus occasion by spinning Andy Hunter's Exodus on my new iPod!

Darn Minneapolis

I used to say St. Paul is much better than Minneapolis. But I can't say that much longer, I guess. I now work in Minneapolis. In a month I'm gonna be living in Minneapolis. Minneapolis has better public transportation than the west side of St. Paul. Oh well, goodbye St. Paul! I still love you!

It's Overdue

Wow, it's been a long while since I've posted on my blog. But nothing amazing has happened yet. The decision to move is still pending although it's looking more and more definite. The couple days off of work to go to the Sonshine Festival was fun. And I'm finally doing stuff at work instead of just sitting around doing training. Ohh, and on the hottest day of the year so far, the air conditioning at the place I live decided to stop working. Good thing I'm at work where it's still cool.

Thinking of Moving

Now that I have this job, I'm thinking about moving to a place that's closer to work. Most places closer to work are much easier to get to work as well, and that's one main reason I'm thinking of moving.

Today I talked to a friend who is renting out space in a frat house in the University campus area. It'd be a lot closer to work, and about half the people that will be living in the house I already know. And the other half that I don't know is not at all the problem.

Congrats To Me!

Well, it seems I have a job!

Next week I start at a local banking establishment doing over-the-phone technical support for their employees. It pays well but has some odd hours. I'm gonna have to learn to get up early really fast.

In other amazing news, since then I've talked to a couple other companies about a job too. It seem that, when it rains, it pours.

Now It Begins

I leave now to go to my sister's high school graduation. Congrats, Lisa!

And very soon after we start the 30 hour marathon of Graduation Parties. If there's a time in the year when I eat too much food, this is it. But it's all so great. I wonder if I can make 20 parties this year, because mom and dad always talk too long at every party.

Gotta Go

I have a headache and a sudden craving for Mountain Dew.

I gotta run to the store.

Geek Speak

Hey all,

I know most of your who read this are not generally as geeky as me, and that's why I've kept most of my Geek posts pretty un-technical. But that may change in the future.

I Shouldn't Go To Wal-Mart

It seems like a deal. But it's a siphon of money. For example, today I decided to go there because I needed some socks and underwear. Wal-Mart is a good place to go for such things, becuase it don't matter if they're cheap, ya know? While I was there, I picked up a big stick of deodorant because the local convenience stores only stock the small sticks. So all that was productive.


Darn it! I just found out that the exact same time that Eisley and Lovedrug are coming to town is when my sister's graduation party is!

I can't miss her party, so I guess I'll have to miss the show I most wanted to go to this year. That sucks.

Oprah, You Were Wrong

Andy Osenga, one of my favorite independent musicians, recently posted this article in his blog. All I have to say is, I knew Oprah was evil!

Another Day, Another Waste

Crap. I need to do stuff. Seriously.

Right now I have no official projects going, but I need to keep working. This week I've basically done hardly anything. I applied for one job and updated, that's mostly it.

It's a downward spiral that I need to get out of. Although... I did have lots of fun reading The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Douglas Adams was a genius.

Oh yeah, and I got to hang out with my University of St. Thomas friends who I hadn't seen in most of a year. That was tons of fun.

New Pope!

Well, we have a new Pope. Pope Benedict XVI.

Although I would have been fine with a non-European, I'm glad they chose somebody who's not going to bow down to the pressures of today's immoral society. Not that the church would ever do that, but it's good to have a strong leader.

It would have been great to have a African or South American Pope... those are the places where the Roman Catholic Church is really working right now. Plus, it would show those darn Europeans that you have to believe in the church to have a European Pope!

Yes! Ireland!

I saw this on a number of other person's sites, so I had to try it:

Your Inner European is Irish!Spirited and boisterous!You drink everyone under the table.

Who's Your Inner European?

Well, it's not really true. I enjoy a good drink, but I don't ever drink everyone under the table. It's mostly the rest of Ireland.
