Thinking of Moving

Now that I have this job, I'm thinking about moving to a place that's closer to work. Most places closer to work are much easier to get to work as well, and that's one main reason I'm thinking of moving.

Today I talked to a friend who is renting out space in a frat house in the University campus area. It'd be a lot closer to work, and about half the people that will be living in the house I already know. And the other half that I don't know is not at all the problem.

Well, the first problem is I want to see the place, but that's not hard to do. The second problem is the living options in there. Half of the people (and probably all the people I know) are going to be doing a missions type thing to the neighborhood. We want to create Christian life in the neighborhood, and these people are going to be spending a considerable amount of time to make sure this happens in the neighborhood.

If I had no other ambitions and aspirations of my own, this would be great. But I'm not sure how this idea fits with my own. Most importantly, it's a problem of free time. If you work for, you've probably noticed I've gotten pretty busy and am not updating the site as much. (Oh wait, there's been less to update anyways.) Of course, I'd save at least an hour per day on commute, but I might have to give that up to a fitness program too.

I'm gonna have to do some thinking and praying about this situation. Can I give up more of my time to doing God's work in Minneapolis? Or should I let others do it and keep working on websites and such? I believe what I am doing is what God wants me to do, but what if I should be doing more?



Well, achieve that balance!

Whatever you choose will be the right choice.

Are you being invited to join the household? Or just offered a room? As a member of Campus Division living in a campus household, I'll have a lot of stuff to do, but as for the people who are just renting space, their only obligations are to follow the rules. (no girls in your room, no alcohol in the house, clean up after yourself). After that, it's pretty much open. If you where to live with us as just a renter and not a member of the campus household, I imagine it would look like you getting the oportunity to live close to work and live in a great christian living situation in which there would be 11 other guys from community in the same building.

Yeah, got that. Well, Wacker said I could possibly join the household, of course pending approval from the bigwigs. I guess it comes down to if I think I'd have the time to work on the household stuff. I mean, I can't decide if I have more time to cimmit to or not.

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