A Crazy Fall

This fall is shaping up to be a crazy one for me. As of today, not only am I moving into a house by the University that will probably have 20 other guys in it, but I'm also starting a new job in a couple weeks.

"Wait, Dan, I thought you just got a job," you're probably saying. Yeah, you're right, I did just start a job six and a half weeks ago. But this new job is exactly what I want at this point in my life. Doing phone helpdesk stuff is still a good occupation, but what I want to do is something that closely complements my work at cMusicWeb.com.

At this new job, I will learn most if not all of the skills I need to create the next version of cMusicWeb, which will probably be called inReview. I've been trying to work on that for years, but it's been very slow in coming because of other projects and my lack of knowledge of the stuff I need to know.

Figuring it out as I go has helped me with a great many projects in the last couple years, but getting paid hourly to figure this stuff out as I go (and get some help from people who know better than me) is even better. And for the geeks, it's great to see how well this company is adhering to standards and still making amazing-looking product. I can't wait to get in there and look at the code.

So am I excited? Heck yeah. Do I feel a bit guilty of leaving my old job barely even before I got settled in? Yeah, a bit, but when an offer like this comes up, you don't just say "No, I don't want to have a great career now."



congrats on the new job. don't feel guilty. you did the right thing

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