
Oh Yeah, I Forgot...

Yeah, I'm published! Yeah, that's my opinion letter in the St. Paul, MN newspaper.

EDIT: The site no longer has the content, and I don't really have a digital copy of their edited content anymore, but this is the full e-mail I sent them. I think they did edit it down a bit for their Opinion section.

We have a problem. Unless this administration changes its policy, we will not have a mass transit system in five years, we will have an international joke. According to Charles Laszewski's story in the Friday paper, Pawlenty's administration is not giving any more funding to Metro Transit and fares are going to be raised. How can this happen? For the first time in 50 years, the Twin Cities has the beginnings of a solid mass transit system. Even since my mother was young, buses were considered to be for those who were poor or disabled. With the advent of light rail, we may actually have a transit system that regular middle-class workers might use to get to work. However, raising fares and cutting funding is not going to help. If anything we need to channel more state money into MetroTransit so that it can expand its services. Cutting routes and services are not going to encourage new ridership. If the state fails to do this now, Minnesotans are going to be clogging up the freeways for the rest of my lifetime. How about conserving energy and getting to work a little cheaper for a change?
- Dan Ficker, St. Paul, MN


A Heat Wave

Right now it's 67°! I'm wearing shorts and the window is open. And it's March in Minnesota!

My dad was in Arizona last week and he said there were a couple days there that were colder than today.

It's almost too warm for me.


Happy Easter!

Hope you're having a good Easter holiday! Jesus has risen!

In other news, Bjorn was right. My iPod's battery is dying, darn it.

And finaly, I have a really exciting interview scheduled for Wednesday! It's at a small website design company I've interviewed with once before, except this time they're actively hiring. So pray that Wednesday morning goes well, because this would be exactly what I want. (Plus, then I could get a new iPod!)


Honorable Mention

I hate doing this, because it sounds like i'm asking for something.... but this past Friday was my birthday. There, now I can get on with my story....

(We interrupt this story to remind you that Dan always accepts presents! Please check the links on the right for my wishlist and more. ;-) )

So most of my friends have the tradition that we honor the person whose birthday it is. It's great, because with other people, you'd get some people who just say, "You're a cool cat, Dan." These real friends and family actually talk about the gifts that God has given me, which is a real treat to hear because I overlook them all to often.

The first that many talked about was that I seem to have an unbouding joy. I think that's true, although I'm sure you see it a lot less online because it's just me and my computer and sometimes I get a bit bored. But when I'm out hangin' with my friends, I'm always havin' a fun time. Sometimes I think it's a problem, though, because I don't worry too much about life. (It's a "hakuna matata" type of thing.) Sometimes I think that is bad because I don't tend to worry about tests or interviews and such too much, I just figure they'll go well if they're supposed to.

Oh well. They're probably right. It's a good thing.

Another friend honored me because I keep working at this job search thing. Yeah, I suppose so. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing nothing, mostly because nothing so far for almost a year has worked out. I guess it's a good thing this type of stuff doesn't get me down much, because getting rejected twenty times really does hurt. Am I good for anything in this computer industry? Or is it that I need to think past this crappy Minnesota area?

Yet another friend honored me for just being there and ready to hang out. Yeah, when it's easy, I guess I am. This friend lives four blocks away and I see him at events at least once per week, so it's easy to keep up and do stuff. But I haven't talked to anybody I knew at St. Thomas since summer. I don't know if that' s good, but it would be harder to get together with those people. Plus, I'm kinda ashamed to tell them I don't have a job yet.

Alright, I'm done with this rambling. All this double-thinking the honoring stuff is almost getting me down about life. And I can't have that!


Exchange Phone Numbers Just By Kissing?

Here's what I thought was a rather creepy article. Apprently the data goes through your skin or something. And touching people exchanges data. Pretty odd. I don't really care for touching people anyways, but I guess I might have to in the future, I guess.


More Incredible Stuff

Earlier this week I got The Incredibles on DVD, and that was cool. But my sisters just gave me for my birthday a really cool T-Shirt!

The Incredibles Shirt

Yes, now even I look like a super! How cool is that! I would say thanks again to my sisters, but they don't read this anyways. ;-)

btw, I stole that picture from eBay, it's not my picture.



Before I left this afternoon I put some contact information and calendar events into Outlook. Unfortunately, after I left, I remembered that I didn't sync my amazing Palm smartphone with my PC. Well, I'm not going to have that problem very often anymore.

I hooked it up so that it can HotSync over the Sprint PCS wireless network on demand (as long as my computer at home is on, which it always is). It's killer.


Ahhh, Snow...

Finally, we have the second decent snowstorm of the year. Not as big as two months ago here, but at least it's been snowing decently all day and we have some snow on the ground.

I watched my new The Incredibles DVD special features last night... very nice stuff.


Shooting Ourself In The Foot

I now officially hate Governor Pawlenty. If anybody else is marching on the capitol, I'm there.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, it's an issue very close to my heart: Public transportation. This past year has found the introduction of the Hiawatha Light Rail line to the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. It's a bunch faster than taking a bus and is lots of fun. It's almost as cool as a subway. But one stretch of track from downtown to the airport and the Mall of America hardly consists of a public transportation system, even when that system includes hundreds of bus routes.

In recent news, the system is under budget. Today it was announced that the proposed plans to put it on budget is to cut at least some part of 70% of the bus system. Some routes will be completely canceled, but some will be reduced.

This is no good at all. With the introduction of the our new rail line, people besides those without cars are finding that MetroTransit may actually be a viable way of getting around. If buses are running less often, that's not going to help. Plus, fares are probably going to be raised across the board, which is also no good.

Most of this is because of the fact that our stupid governor is getting paid off by Detroit or Iraq oil or something. He wants us to have to all drive around in our cars and pay outrageous prices for gas. If anything, right now the amount of money allotted to MetroTransit should go up so that they can expand their services. It would encourage ridership instead of discourage it. It's the only way that people besides the disabled and really poor are going to think about using buses for everyday tasks.


Gotta Get Your Phil

Whoa! I can't believe that I've gone a month with this blog and my links didn't include one to Phil Keaggy. That's just crazy!

For those who don't know of Phil, he's the most amazing guitarist I've ever seen on an acoustic, and he does pretty good on the electric too.

I just finished watching a concert of his on a webcast. You have to get past the worship band and the short talking from the pastor, but Phil's amazing. He can do so much with an acoustic and everything. And he's been making music since the '60s... wow. That webcast is almost as good as his Philly Live DVD, so if you like it, then get the DVD too.

Now I'm going to watch this church's service featuring Ashley Cleveland last week. That should be good too.

