The Daily Section

Speaking of Community and living life in common, the guys at the house said they'd like to know more about be. They've laid down the challenge to have a "Word of the Day" thing or something. I don't know about words, but I can certainly bring something new to the table every day.

So, starting tomorrow morning, I'll have a daily idea. I figured if I was going to share it with the house, I may as well share it with the other two people who read this blog. ;-)

Update: I decided to call it the "daLy Update". It looks cooler than "daIly Update" and gets the same message across. Plus, it's a nod to my roommate, Kevin, too.



I bet there are more than two people who read this.

Oh, and you should get OpenID up and running. I used and it works pretty well.

yeah, I agree with Jeremy -- there are def more than 2 people reading

Whoa? Laura Ficker reads this? I guess that makes three.

Don't forget that "guy from the internet!"

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