RSS by The Numbers

I love Google. Well, OK, I would like them even more if their stock went up to $630 like some smart guy thinks it will. But oh well.

I also love Google because they organize my life. One of my favorite apps is their "Inbox for the Web" tool, Google Reader. It rocks.

But why do I really love Google? Because they're all nerds. They love data. So, they just given me access to some of the data they've been mining in the form of my own personal Google Reader Trends. Check these out:

Google Reader Trends

Yeah, you read that right. The Digg front page has an average of 123.0 posts per day. And recently I've read 0% of them. But Andrew Osenga and Robin Parrish will be happy to know that I read all the content off their sites. Also, apparently I was in dial-up land over Christmas if I look at usage. Shaun, I promise I'll read the rest of your posts if you send me your picks for Most Spun 2006.


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