
Oprah, You Were Wrong

Andy Osenga, one of my favorite independent musicians, recently posted this article in his blog. All I have to say is, I knew Oprah was evil!


New Feature: Movies!

Alright. Now here's something new.

I put a list of movies on the site here. Look on the right to the "Pages" section to see My Movies. If you live near me, feel free to talk to me about borrowing some and we'll do it. I hope to keep it updated.

Plus, if you click on the movie, you can buy it at (and support And don't bother with asking me, "How do you like this or that movie, Dan?" Just don't. I own it, so I must like it, right?

One of these years I'll get a complete, working list of all the CDs I own too, but it's gonna be a long time before it's complete because it's a heck of a long list.


They've Got Our Back

Best Buy's resident tech support team, The Geek Squad, has our back. They've put together a bunch of different forms that are sure to get us out of work or school for May 19th. Get yer forms and don't miss the Revenge of the Sith!


Another Day, Another Waste

Crap. I need to do stuff. Seriously.

Right now I have no official projects going, but I need to keep working. This week I've basically done hardly anything. I applied for one job and updated, that's mostly it.

It's a downward spiral that I need to get out of. Although... I did have lots of fun reading The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Douglas Adams was a genius.

Oh yeah, and I got to hang out with my University of St. Thomas friends who I hadn't seen in most of a year. That was tons of fun.


Quality Product

 The Elms Live In IndianaToday I finally got my copy of Burn The Fields: The Elms Live In Indiana. For those who don't know about The Elms, I highly suggest you check these boys out. They're some of the best new rock 'n' rolll available today.

Although the DVD was recorded almost a year ago, it captures the band perfectly. There's so much energy at their live concerts, and the DVD gets all of it in a beautiful package. Unlike most professionally done DVDs of recent times, it does not include a 5.1 surround sound mix, but the stereo mix is done so well that it sounds great nonetheless. (I don't have a 5.1 speaker set anyways, so I probably don't notice very well the difference. But it definitely sounds great.)

The disc has some great special features, including a couple bonus songs that were performed after the original concert. Plus there's over 30 minutes of interviews with the band about the DVD recording and where the band is going in general. It's very insightful. And another 45 minutes of a behind-the-scenes look into what the band put into the DVD, from dressing up the stage themselves to making the obligatory Spinal Tap jokes. ;-)


New Pope!

Well, we have a new Pope. Pope Benedict XVI.

Although I would have been fine with a non-European, I'm glad they chose somebody who's not going to bow down to the pressures of today's immoral society. Not that the church would ever do that, but it's good to have a strong leader.

It would have been great to have a African or South American Pope... those are the places where the Roman Catholic Church is really working right now. Plus, it would show those darn Europeans that you have to believe in the church to have a European Pope!


We're All Gonna Die!

According to those who study space (but not the astrologers), the earth may have a massive crisis on its hands in 2034 or so. A huge asteriod may hit us, but they're not really sure. The good news is we'll get a good look at the asteriod in 2029.


Not Total B$

Today I found a fun little thing to waste my time on - it's called BlogShares.

I haven't yet figured it all out, but it's a fantasy stock market based on blogs. In this market, who links to you and who you link to have some bearing on your net worth, but also the selling and buying of stock in other's blogs is a major part of it.

Thanks to some random guy, I'm off to a good start. And it's kinda fun to be rollin' in the imaginary dough. Plus, I get to "support" my favorite blogs. (Sorry, it seems that Xanga is not mentioned anywhere on there, although I suppose you could try.)


Yes! Ireland!

I saw this on a number of other person's sites, so I had to try it:

Your Inner European is Irish!Spirited and boisterous!You drink everyone under the table.

Who's Your Inner European?

Well, it's not really true. I enjoy a good drink, but I don't ever drink everyone under the table. It's mostly the rest of Ireland.

Just for the record, I think it's amazing how a five-question poll can make such a statement. And although I have been to Ireland and to no other European country, I'm surprised that's what it came up with.


Surprises Lurk in Satellite Snaps

These are intersting. In case you didn't notice, now if you go to you can see a satellite as well as a really nice map. I know I've looked around my area and have found interesting things.

For example, the parking lot at the Mall of America when they took the map is empty. I mean empty. And the Ikea to the north isn't finished yet, so that makes it sometime in early 2004. Yet, just a couple blocks, the shot of my high school has a full parking lot. Must be early in the morning.

In this Wired article, they talk about these interesting and timely anomalies. Google maps has captured festivals, full stadiums, and even the tsunami in Asia.

