People of Praise and Blogging

OK, so this one's more like two topics. First, yesterday TJ posted and interesting link to a documentary about the blogosphere. It was an interesting look at the people that make up blogs and how blogs have changed the landscape of news. (Man, if I would've found that strike blog I would have felt a lot more connected.) The video's embedded below the jump.

In other community news, Dan Reinbold started off his new blog with some great posts: one about his story and another about what the People of Praise is. Very good reading. Also, a longtime friend, Josh, seems to be chiming in with an almost minute-by-minute look at his life in Allendale. I hope he keeps it up.



... and you say i dont read ur blog. Who do i look like Jenn Dobbs? seriously. Also thanks for the shout out to my boy Teej. I hear he knows the guy who made it. Liberals. Also People of Praise i want to hear more, unfortunately my only crediable sources read like an advertisement or like a girl with messed up parents. What can u do by that rainbuild character sounds like a fressssh look.
keeping it easy and taking it cool.
yous bro

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