Linux and MythTV

The folks at are looking to set up a Linux-based Home Theater PC system. I definitely don't blame them. One of my coworkers has one and the folks at Systm have done a video podcast about them. They look amazing.

All you need is some hardware (and the people are looking at the best and possibly most expensive). But then, the Linux and the open-source PVR system are all entirely free! Check out the features and screenshots of MythTV for an idea of what you can do with getting TV on your computer. It gets the program schedule right off the Internet for free so you can automatically record every episode of 24. You can even view the schedule and record from any web-accessible computer anywhere in the world. Of course, you can play DVDs and music and view photos on it too.

Now if there was anything I wanted to watch on TV, I'd get one...


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