
Wallace and Gromit Trailer

Stop Presses! You just have to head over and see the Wallace and Gromit Trailer. It looks smashing!


I'm Addicted

Most people have addictions to coffee or smoking or something. My dad is addicted to Diet Pepsi and my mom is addicted to that cheap instant coffee stuff. And then, there's all those that are addicted to alcohol.

But I'm addicted to Chipotle. That's right, just about once per week I need to stop over to the local mexican grill spot and get my burrito fix. It's probably not the cheapest addictions in the world, but it tastes good and it fills me up.

Ironically, most of the time I go over there is because we haven't had anything spicy or mexican for the last week or two. Ironically, every time I go to Chipotle for lunch for that reason, that night we have tacos or something for dinner.


E's Secret Indentity

Did you know that Edna Mode, the character who stole the show on The Incredibles, is voiced by none other than the director, Brad Bird? I didn't either. But now I have excellent proof.

Head over to and click for the backstage press room videos. While Brad Bird is in the press room answering questions about this year's Academy Award-winning animated feature, a little bit of Edna Mode slips out. She comments on the night's fashion and her co-presenter, Pierce Brosnan.


Use That Dead Hard Drive

A couple months ago my external hard drive with all music on it died. (I didn't make too much of a fuss on the blog here because I didn't think it worthwhile to complain about it.) But I've finally found something to do with it. One of these days I'm going to take it apart and turn it into a windchime!


A Great Experience

Whew! Dinner's finally over! OK, so dinner was at least over by 8pm, but now it's 10:30. There were a couple guests over, but we spent all of the last three and a half hours around the dinner table telling stories. It was great to just hear about somebody else's life and stuff. Of course, most of them were talking about when they were my age (and all of these people were my age around 1970). But it was great to hear stories.

Actually, I might be able to do it tomorrow night too. That'd be fun. It was also good and challenging to tell a story about my life myself, and I think they enjoyed it. I'm just not normally used to talking to six other people at a time, so I was a bit nervous. (I'm comfortable with 2 or 3, but more's a bit more scary.)


Updated iPods

Yay! iPods are now cheaper for the masses!

Here's the new lineup:
The New iPod Lineup

Finally, Apple's cutting their huge profit margins in favor of keepin the upper hand in the market. Good move, imho.

Now if I get a job I might have to upgrade to a 60GB iPod photo.



SPOILER ALERT! Do not follow the link if you want to go see the movie with no idea what will happen!

A fan has compiled many reports and shots from different sources to give us a look at Star Wars Episode III. It looks really cool, and I can't wait until it really is here.


Well, That's That

Earlier this afternoon I had an interview. I don't exactly know how it went, but at only 30 minutes it seemed kinda short.

Oh well, I trust that I'll get the right thing at the right time. I tried my best, and if this job doesn't work out, it won't be the end of the world. (Well, the end of the world might come, but it won't be because of my job interview.)



It only took three or four days for the comment spammers to find my site... they do a pretty good job.

Well, hopefully we can stay ahead of them now that I added a comment spam filter to my system. If it gets really bad, I suppose I could have y'all register to make comments, but I doubt that's ever gonna happen.

So, if you see a comment for something weird, don't bother clicking on it. It's probably comment spam anyways.


Gotta Be Creative

That's right. One of the reasons I got this blog was so I could be creative and play around with the design. So I've spent a bunch of this afternoon and came up with this. I'm not sure it's as cool as that default, but it gets more points because it's not the default. If you're reading this blog in FireFox or another standards-compliant browser (mostly just not IE), you should see a cool watermark thingy at the bottom of your page.

Probably the coolest part is that I only changed some CSS information to get from the last look to this one. Of course, that might change if I decide to lay out the whole thing completely weird. Or something...

I guess the color scheme is a large shout-out to my peeps at UST.

