
What's A Wiki?

My friend Billy asked me what a Wiki was yesterday. We talked about it a bit, but here I am to talk about it a bit more. A Wiki is an online repository of information that can be edited by just about anyone.

The most notable example is Wikipedia, a huge repository of all the information you'd ever need. Whenever I want to look up a technical term or just find general information on a topic, I go to Wikipedia for a good overview. Of course, not everything's in there, but that's mostly because somebody hasn't gotten around to writing on it. All this information is free to use, so if you have an area of expertise, why not join in and contribute to an article?

Another Wiki I'm very familiar with is the Homestar Runner Wiki. This has everything you'd ever need to know about the inside jokes on that Strong Bad email you just didn't get. Plus, most of them are there within hours of it getting posted on And, all these people did the work in finding those little hidden easter eggs, so you just read where they are and then go back and watch 'em.

The article that spawned an idea of a post was the following. Wired interviewed those who have made their hobby the updating of the Wikipedia. For them, the Wiki truly has become a way of life.


Join The Revolution Pt. 2

Colleen, you're absolutely right. UST students spend way too much time on Facebook.

To do a bit of research on my own, I decided to sign up for Facebook just to see what it was. Don't worry, I'm not going to the dark side, I just wasn't that impressed. Actually, I have no idea why you'd be on there as a student, but myself being an alumni of UST, it is a bit useful. There's some people with all their contact info on there that I haven't seen or heard from since graduation. So contacting them is a bit easier now that I have that method of finding their info.

But to prove how much time current students spend on Facebook, two people that I haven't seen for at least six months put me on their friends list. Just the fact that within six hours of me signing up two people had noticed I was on the system is scary. I can see myself using it from time to time to recconect with friends, but actually hanging out on there? You've got to be kidding. If they want me to hang out on there, the website design has to be at least as cool as my blog because I just put my blog look together in an hour or two!

Maybe I should make a little "no facebook" icon that we can put on the corner of our pages or something. That would be kinda cool.


da Interview

Today I spent a couple ours at NextNet Wireless. They're a rather new technology company that is working on some of the hottest stuff in the industry now: wireless Internet access. Their product allows users to get wireless internet anywhere within 30 miles of a base station that's connected to the net. The speeds can be really fast, depending on how fast the ISP will let you go. Their product is starting to be used by tons of companies, so it would be a great company to get into.

Although I had the distinct feeling that I had very little experience in the fields of networking or wireless, I feel the interviews went well. I got to talk to a number of people who work there, and they were all very nice and had great discussions. I learned a lot more about their company and technology. I put my best foot forward and really am interested in proving that I can learn the things they need me to know for this position.

As an aside, you'd think in a high school class of 42 students I could remember everybody's names. But it took me almost two days of thinking of the name "Sarah Klein" to even get a mental picture of one of the Trinity School Class of 2000. Shows you how much I hang out with my high school classmates.

So I hope this job thing goes well. I know some people who work there so it would be ideal to start my career there. Plus it would stretch my skills significantly. So please pray that they make a good decision. ;-)


An Exciting New Local Band

Hey all,

A couple of my friends have started a band! My friends Andy and Hugh have started a band with brothers Rich and Joe Larson. (For those of you who were at camp last summer, you may remember Rich playing guitar for us a bit - he's phenomenal.)

Although right now the band's just listed as "Rich Larson" on the website, the guys will be playing at Club 3 Degrees. It's $7 to get in and they're playing the first slot right at 7:30. Oh yeah, it's this Friday, the 11th. So if you want to hear some good, original music, join me and my friends!

There are some downsides to Club 3 Degrees, but I think it'll be a good gig anyways. I'm also looking forward to future gigs where they'll be playing at bars and pubs instead of the non-alcoholic, no-cover-songs, spankin'-clean Christian club.


Is Apple The New Microsoft?

I know, you Apple purists are now throwing up your hands in resignation, saying, "I thought Dan was turning to our side!" Well, I think I still am, but recent acctions by the big fruit company are making me wonder. For those who missed it, a number of months ago Apple sued a company who was publicly publishing insider secrets that Apple wanted to keep quiet. (Apple is well known for their extreme secrecy.) And this week the judge delivered a preliminary ruling in Apple's favor saying that the websites should discolose their sources (although the websites admittedly get some of these from employees who let some info slip, either purposely or accidently. So Forbes asks, Is Apple The New Microsoft? I think it's a very good question, because Apple's basically discouraging all their biggest fans from following the company as much as they do. Apple has made a name for themselves becaue their fans are so charismatic about their favorite company, but if sharing the secrets of the company (or any other company in the world too) was illegal, would anybody care?


Join The Revolution

I don't know exactly what the problem is, mostly because I haven't had the guts to sign up for an account. But, the way it's talked about, it can't be good. So I'm joining Colleen's campaign:

 Just Say No.

My brother, who does nothing with computers (except when he was addicted to Age of Empires) even said it was cool. That's enough to scare me away from it. Now, if it was made by Google, I'd probably be there. But it's not.


iPod Battery Life

Finally! According to this article, the next iPods should get a major boost in the battery life department. That'll be nice. Actually, well, the problem of the battery crapping out 18 months after is still the main problem. The only thing is... I haven't figured out if my battery has a problem. The only time I've tried using the iPod recently is when I'm outside, and apparently the battery won't operate under 32 degrees Farenheight. So, since it's almost 40, today's the first time in a long time I walked for over an hour and the battery didn't stop working. I guess I'll have to get them to make cold weather iPods or somethin'.


Wallace and Gromit Trailer

Stop Presses! You just have to head over and see the Wallace and Gromit Trailer. It looks smashing!


I'm Addicted

Most people have addictions to coffee or smoking or something. My dad is addicted to Diet Pepsi and my mom is addicted to that cheap instant coffee stuff. And then, there's all those that are addicted to alcohol.

But I'm addicted to Chipotle. That's right, just about once per week I need to stop over to the local mexican grill spot and get my burrito fix. It's probably not the cheapest addictions in the world, but it tastes good and it fills me up.

Ironically, most of the time I go over there is because we haven't had anything spicy or mexican for the last week or two. Ironically, every time I go to Chipotle for lunch for that reason, that night we have tacos or something for dinner.


E's Secret Indentity

Did you know that Edna Mode, the character who stole the show on The Incredibles, is voiced by none other than the director, Brad Bird? I didn't either. But now I have excellent proof.

Head over to and click for the backstage press room videos. While Brad Bird is in the press room answering questions about this year's Academy Award-winning animated feature, a little bit of Edna Mode slips out. She comments on the night's fashion and her co-presenter, Pierce Brosnan.

