God and Open Source

Many would say that the worldwide Open Source movement creates a lot of community. And it's true. Hundreds of people working closely together (even over long distances) towards one goal has brought a lot of community. After every Open Source-oriented conference, everybody says it's great to meet all those working on common projects and building a tighter-knit community.

People have also been noticing that Open Source, despite the fact that nobody owns or recieves royalties from the code, can be good for business. This is for many reasons, not the least of which are these:

  • Open Source gives you a large base of code to work off of. There's no need to reinvent the wheel.
  • Although much has been made, there will always be companies who want to make something else custom to their business
  • Even if something new is not needed, there are many people who do not know how to set it up and need people to set it up for them.

Ten LogoA group of friends of mine from Christian community People of Praise have noticed thaat Open Source systems work a lot like our Christian community does. In this community, we share our money and much more in a very similar way to how Open Source software is changed. So they started One:Ten Communications.

As is stated on their website, they hope to "unite all things in Christ" through three things: websites, experiments, and open source. Some of them are at the OSCON this weekend in Portland too. I'm excited to see the fruits of the open source research and the experiments, as well as the exciting websites this talented, young team will produce.


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