Store Up Your Treasures In Heaven

For me, this weekend is one huge celebration of life. Many of my brothers and sisters in Christ are coming to town for the People of Praise covenent making. Myself and a handful of people are making the covenant, many of which I know well. It's going to be great to have many special people in town to celebrate, including my sister. It's so exciting to have many great friends who I am going to live the rest of my life with.

Also, packed into this weekend is also a wedding of a couple friends from the high school days. I hope it's a great celebration, and if you have a chance, pray for Ryan and Anne because they have been sick for the last couple days. It wouldn't be fun to have a wedding when feeling under the weather. Ohh, and praying for good weather is always a good idea too for a wedding.



Dan, I had so much fun that weekend!! seriously, Dinkytown is just the happening place--so much People of Praise LIFE!!!
We should do that more often :)

ok, when I wrote that last message, I didnt think it would be THAT soon when we could get together again! are you getting pumped for the weekend of Oct 14th?!?!?!

Yeah covenant-making!!

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