The New Missionaries

My friends Rus, Nick, and Jon have given the next couple years of their lives to be missionaries. No, they're not in Africa or India. They're missionaries to a part of the city of Indianapolis in the state of Indiana, right here in the United States. Why? It's simple.

These men are not preaching some "you need to be saved or you'll go to hell" gospel. They're preaching the Gospel of life together in a Christian community. They're not trying to count the number of people they've brought to Christ, they're making friends to share life with in Christ. Just check this out:

Their brand new blog is a great place to learn more about what they're doing and what the People of Praise is bringing to the world. Of course, feel free to join the discussion there about what life in Christ really looks like.

For my friends in the People of Praise who want yet another easy way to get started with blogs, I've put together a current OPML file of all the blog feeds. Save this to your desktop and then import it into your feed reader such as Google Reader. The only downside is that this won't automatically update. However, I've included the feed of People of Praise member blogs with it so that you'll be notified of new blogs. Enjoy!

Update: Justin noted to me that this file does not include The Bunge. Don't miss it or you'll miss out, seriously.



Thanks for pointing this out, Jeremy. I believe I have to upgrade my server. It'll be the first time I'll ever recompiled a program so I gotta do my homework first.

An OPML file! What a great idea. And the feed to the blog list is just brilliant.

By the way, OpenID doesn't work for me. I put my OpenID in, it redirects me to my provider, I authorize, get redirected back here, and end up on the wordpress login page. If I type my OpenID in there again, it just puts me right back on the login page with no errors or messages.

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