Superb Design and Community Functionality
I love stuff that is designed really well and functions amazingly well. And, because I live in a house with 16 other people, it's always important to think about big scale. And Jennifer from pointed out an amazing (and probably fairly expensive) custom-made product: the expanding table! Check it in action:
What do you think? That's so much cooler than just the table that adds some leaves in the middle. But it looks expensive, and we already have plenty of tables at our houses.
If somebody joined the household, do they have to kick one another off the island? Or do they have and already registered?
You think like a system's administrator! That was also the very first question that popped into my head the moment I saw their site. (The number 9 dependency)
Yep, awesome table, and unfortunately it probably still has more expensive/cool appeal than efficiency.
I wouldn't mind if they got another person to their household. Right now it doesn't really register in my mind that there is 9 of them anyways; it just seems like a nice number for them.
And I think this table is really cool.
I think we'd just call ourselves nine of us plus one, two, three or thirty three, depending on how many people join. The key thing is to start with nine and do the arithmetic from there! (I hope no one leaves, because that would be embarrassing.)
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