You Think You're All That But You're Lookin' Like Scott Stapp

The latest thing to hit my desk is the party rock of Family Force 5. They're crazy. There's definitely a lot of '80s influences, but it's mostly rockin' guitars with rap vocals, but much less electronic than Earthsuit. So what's my first impression? It's great for music to pump you up. Does it have any value besides fun music? Not really, but it's not bad.

The other thing that was interesting was a sheet included in the press kit from the band. In it they described how their music doesn't have much spiritual meaning, it's just good plain fun music. But, apparently, since they were all Christians, they wanted to be on a Christian label (and hopefully a mainstream label too). They managed to do that, I guess, but what happens now will be interesting. It's markedly different from the way Mute Math went, I guess. Instead of trying to stay away from Christian music, they made sure they were in it. Of course, from Mute Math's perspective, the "Christian" tag will hurt the band. I guess we'll see.



Shocking! Family Force 5 is not on my ultimate iPod! I'll have to hear some of this FFF. I think the name stands for the kids in our family. must be...

Saw them about three weeks ago in The Engine Room here in Houston on a Tuesday night. Way too loud for a concrete box, but that's not the band's fault. They were definitely a rockin'/rappin'/break-dancin' kind o' band. And most assuredly, hilarious.

And some pretty nice guys, too. They thanked us after the show for showing up on a Tuesday night.

Hey, isn't it time there was just a fun band on a Christian label? We as Christians tend to require our bands be full of "message" and ignore the quality if they're sufficiently "on message". So, why can't there be a group of guys who just happen to be Christians who also want to make fun rockin' music? Isn't it just as much worship to revel in the God-given talent and creativity and do that in a good way?

(Not at all pointing any fingers here. I'm just wondering out loud.)

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