I Was Thinking / Over Thinking

Where have I been? Well, that will probably be the discussion of the next couple blog posts. But first, where have I been in music?

Well, the last three days or so I've spend lots of music listening to my Paste Magazine samplers. I've got the entire collection, and it's not easy to randomly go through some 400 songs. But it's an eclectic ride, to be sure. I've definitely been listening to more country and classic music than in a long time. And it's pretty darn fun.

Unfortunately, it makes me want to take advantages of sales at PasteStore.com. Darn it.



Dan- I like the picture of Tom parking the Hummer. For a moment I was trying to figure out who the singer was, and ... wait, it's Tom! and as a faithful reader, I was definately wondering where you've been.

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