Complication's My Claim To Fame

Mute Math Cover ArtWell, it looks like the industry machine is starting to ramp up for the spring. Right now, the industry is moving to the sounds of Mute Math, a great new band from New Orleans. Their debut EP has been out for over a year, but this spring is finally going to bring them into the full spotlight with the release of their full-length album.

Although the exact release date for their disc has not been declared, the tour posters for this spring's rigorous tour schedule mentions that the band will have the disc available at shows. Between that and the fact that the local show only costs $8, I'm totally there.

Alright, I gotta go. I have to start posting the Most Spun 2005 feature.



What;s an EP? maybe everyone else reading this may know... but I don't.

EP? Well, I don't exactly know myself, but, as usual, Wikipedia knows. All I know is that it's a short CD, somewhere around 5 songs or so, usually.

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