...While I’m Flying Han Solo

After work today I'm gonna stop by my mailbox and pick up my Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith DVD. It's gonna be sweet. I probably won't get a chance to watch any of it until Thanksgiving, but oh well.

I have all the Star Wars movies now! Yes, that makes me a real geek, I think. But somebody found something fun to do: watch all of the movies at the same time! Here's the start of what he found - some very cool stuff.

Deepspace5 - "I hope you appreciate your purchase."



that's stinking amazing. I wish I had that much time (I guess I do) and that much drive (and drive space)

Wow that's amazing. I watched the opening credits thing and my eyes hurt.

i have plans to watch all 9 sw and lotr movies straight(well, close) over thanksgiving break. theres about half a chance it will work.

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