1997! (Oh Wait, It's 2005)

"Just let it go..." Some say I'm stuck in the 90s.

I've been listening to Take Me To Your Leader and I thought it would be fun to listen to music from 1996 and 1997 only today. There's a lot of quality stuff in there from Rebecca St. James, Jars of Clay, the first Switchfoot album, the breakout of delirious?, etc.

I'll tell you how it was later. Maybe tomorrow I'll do a day full of music from the 80s...



I love the Newsboys, ever since Read All About It. I've always found them to be fun. Lyrically, Stever Taylor really rocked them solid. Some might see it as a sellout, but they seem to have really developed since turning to worship. Maybe it was calculated, but that doesn't mean they weren't supposed to do that.

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