Why Is It, My Man?

I just think it's funny that when I talk about life or computers or something, I get somebody to comment. But when I talk about music or things like that, probably nobody reads it.

Of course, I know why. I listen to a sector of music that not many people listen to, at least not you guys. I have some friends who write for cMusicWeb.com who like similar music, but if they do visit this blog, they're pretty quiet.

I'm still thinking of making a change in that area. We'll see if the inReview.net podcast actually happens, but I sure hope it does.



Yo Dan-
I faithfully read all entries in Da Blog no matter what it's about. And yesterday, I reminded Laura and myself of you so much. We were driving home from Louisiana, and I took forever and made a huge playlist on my iPod for Laura when she was driving and we only got through maybe a quarter of it! Can't wait to see you!

Dan, I have to admit that I haven't been reading much lately. I've been working so much or watching movies (which I've kind of enjoyed doing) or not being at home (more than usual, but nothing overly spectacular). I did read all of your posts down to this one.

And thanks for your comment on micro$haft. I'll try it out. -jack

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