Where My Freaks At?

Well, most of you know that I moved into a new house with 13 other guys about a month ago. It's a lot of fun. And to show you just a small snapshot of our life together, I'm gonna throw up a couple photos. Here goes:

My Freaks - Group Shot
We have the women's house over on Wednesday nights for our planning meetings so we decided to take a large group photo. We decided the only place we could do it was on the front stairwell. Some of us guys got lost in the back, but you can see my head almost peeking out of the center of the photo.

My Freaks - Praying
After we took the photo we had evening prayer. It must have not been during a cool worship song, because nobody looks that animated. We were probably praying intensely for our work on campus this year, for a permanent house for us to live in, or that our house will fill up with renters. (Wow, my hair's almost getting to the point of being a mullet.)



Sweet hair! Please grow it out and perm it. It's the "new look"!

Dan i likey like. Grow that baby out forever! by the way whos that lanky fellow on th right? Hes so cute, tell him to turn my way.

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