Yes! Ireland!

I saw this on a number of other person's sites, so I had to try it:

Your Inner European is Irish!Spirited and boisterous!You drink everyone under the table.

Who's Your Inner European?

Well, it's not really true. I enjoy a good drink, but I don't ever drink everyone under the table. It's mostly the rest of Ireland.

Just for the record, I think it's amazing how a five-question poll can make such a statement. And although I have been to Ireland and to no other European country, I'm surprised that's what it came up with.



I'm Russian!!!! go figure. I never would have picked it, but I think some of it is that a couple of questions didn't really have an appropriate response for me, so I just picked at random.

Same here, Jack. I didn't like any of the responses for the political question.

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