I Made It

Some might think it impossible, but I did it. I walked through the whole Ikea store without buying a single thing. (Well, I almost bought a Mountain Dew at a pop machine on the way out, but I didn't have a $1 bill on me.)

For those of you who haven't experienced Ikea, it's a cool place. It's really big and they have lots of nice stuff, although much of it is different than our stuff because Ikea's from Sweden. But much of it is stylish and cheap, which is always great. It was fun looking through hundreds of home and room setups, seeing innovative ideas, and seeing many of them put together in many different combinations. It also got my interior designer bug going - if I get my own apartment or condo in the near future, you can bet I'm going back there to make it look frickin' sweet.

So yeah, I made it out of there without spending a dime. It was kinda hard, though, with 60-CD racks for just $3.99 and such.



All the way through IKEA without spending anything?! You are far stronger than I. ;)

Why, it's been about 10 years since I've even been in Ikea... of course, I think it was Stör then.. I got some really swell shelves for $10 on clearance... Ever since they did their little ad with two guys who are more than roommates, I've sort of been boycotting them.

I've never seen ads for Ikea, and they just opened a store here less than a year ago, so I don't know about their history too much. Plus, well, a friend of mine works there. They have really good benefits, from what I hear.

IKEA has been here in my area for a while now. my parents hate it; i think that is why i like it so much. ;)

i still want the hanging star lights they sold last Christmas.

Most of the stuff is a bit too modern for my parents, I think. And probably most people my parents age too.

Plus, IKEA products are made much more to be multifunctional, mostly because they are designed in Europe where space is at a bigger premium than here in the U.S. of A. So it works great for those of us who live in apartments or have all our lives in one room instead of a nice rambler.

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