Blog Archive for November 2008
Thoughts on Thanksgiving
Spending Thanksgiving in Shreveport, Louisiana was great. Plenty of my friends from all over the country were there, and the food and drinks were amazing throughout the weekend. Now I'm heading to visit more missionaries in Indianapolis this evening.
One of my favorite moments was when Nathan gave a quick reflection. (I can't quote him because I don't remember it exactly, but I will paraphrase.) Nathan said that American tradition is that we should give thanks, but often we do not give thanks to anyone in particular. We should be offering this thanks to someone. However, many things, such as the trees, the weather, the great life I have, etc., cannot be attributed to any person. However, these things should always be attributed to God. It was just a great reminder for me to be thankful and, more importantly, to be thankful to God for all he has given us. A Drupal Weekend Project
I love microblogging and the social medias. I'm always looking for little social media experiments as well. Besides this blog, I'm always thinking up other ways to drum up interested readers, inform readers, and give out my opinions. Of course, one of those genres that I love commenting on is movies and the crazyness of Hollywood.
Microblogging services such as Twitter, Pownce, FriendFeed and their social media friends are also another fun place to express an opinion. Twitter has one interesting limitation - that is, all posts have to be 140 characters or less. In some ways, this makes it as much of an art form as a short form blogging service. For my personal account, one of the reasons I use Pownce is because I like to convey a unique thought without having to edit for 140 characters. But, for more rehearsed messaging, I figure that the 140-character limit can be a sort of editing challenge.
With this in mind, I created the trailer_review Twitter account. On this account, I post an 140-character or less review of the movie preview, starting with the title of the movie and ending with a link to the preview. But, after posting a couple trailer mini-reviews, I decided that I'd want a website to go along with that I could provide more information at a later time, if I wanted. Plus, not everyone is yet on Twitter, so maybe others would like a separate site where the could grab an RSS feed, leave comments, etc. Thus, thanks to the power of Drupal, it took a couple hours to get a functional, decent-looking website working. This is the store of, my first-ever Drupal weekend project. (Full disclosure: It took me two weekends to do all these steps because I was working on a couple paying freelance projects and doing other things, but these processes could easily be done in one free weekend.) To paraphrase Strong Bad, "Feel free to follow along with my simple step-by-step instructions. I make [Drupal] FUN!"
Step I: Setting Up The Site
To set up a site, you need to have a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server that you can set the site up on. OK, so I lied, you could run it on Windows, you can run it on IIS, and of course you and run it on Python (or even Oracle, I hear). So, basically, you need PHP, but the LAMP stack is the easiest. Set up the site, then download the latest version from the website and decompress it. (We used Drupal 6.6.) Access the public URL of the site and follow the instructions to install the site. You will need database information and will be able to set up an administrator account.
Step II: Adding Contributed Modules
Download the following modules for Drupal 6.x:
Uncompress these folders and place those in a folder called sites/all/modules
folder. Then, go to "Administer"->"Site Building"->"Modules" and turn on these part of the modules:
- Content
- Link
- Trigger
- Twitter actions
Now we're ready to start configuring the modules we've installed.
Step III: Configuring Content and Link
To setup the content items, we want to have the title and body as well as the URL for the site to watch the movie trailer. The title and body are included in the default stories, but we'll use the Content Construction Kit to create that URL field and the link to that trailer. Here we go:
- Go to "Administer"->"Content Types".
- Click on the "manage fields" link next to "Story".
- Under "Add," type the label "Trailer Link", field name "field_trailer_url", and "Link" for the type of data.
- Click on "Save".
- On the next page underneath "Global settings," check "Required".
- Select "Static Title" for the "Link Title" section. Click "Save field settings".
- Towards the top of the page, click on "Display fields".
- Change "Label" from "Above" to "<Hidden>" and click "Save".
Step IV: Configuring Twitter
For this site, we want Twitter to be posted to any time new content is posted to the site. To do this, we use the Twitter Actions part of the Twitter Module. We will set up an Action and then use the Trigger module to make it run every time we create some content. Here's how we want to configure it:
- Go to "Administer"->"Site configuration" and click on "Actions".
- At the bottom of the screen under "Make a new advanced action," select "Post a message to Twitter..." and click "Create".
- Type in your Twitter account name and password and then type in the message. (Note the use of the
symbol with specific keywords allows you to add the new content - for my site, I used%title: %teaser %node_url
.) - Click "Save".
- Next, go to "Administer"->"Site building" and click on "Triggers".
- Under the "Trigger: After saving a new post" section, select the "Post a message to Twitter" action (or whatever you named it during Step 3 and 4).
- Click "Assign".
Voila! Now we've got a working site that posts to Twitter when we post and also provides a link to the trailer. However, there's a couple things more.
Appendix A: URL Shortening for Twitter
First, we want to give us more space on our Twitter posts so that, instead of Twitter using <a href="
">[/geshifilter-code] as our URL, we get a shorter URL. There are a number of fancy URL shortening services such as TinyURL, but I chose because it's a bit shorter than TinyURL anyways. After signing up for an account, I can write some code to request a shortened URL for my longer URLs via their handy API. Unfortunately, in order to get these in the Twitter Actions module, I have to hack the sites/all/modules/twitter/twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module
file. I took this part:
// Node-based variable translation is only available if we have a node.
if (isset($node) && is_object($node)) {
$variables = array_merge($variables, array(
'%uid' => $node->uid,
'%node_url' => url('node/'. $node->nid, array('absolute' => TRUE)),
'%node_type' => node_get_types('name', $node),
'%title' => $node->title,
'%teaser' => $node->teaser,
'%body' => $node->body
and replaced it with this:
// Node-based variable translation is only available if we have a node.
if (isset($node) && is_object($node)) {
$node_url = url('node/'. $node->nid, array('absolute' => TRUE));
$headers = array('Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
$short_url_json = drupal_http_request(''.urlencode($node_url).'&login=BITLY_API_ID&apiKey=BITLY_API_KEY', $headers, 'POST', NULL);
$short_url = json_decode($short_url_json->data)->results->$node_url->shortUrl;
$variables = array_merge($variables, array(
'%uid' => $node->uid,
'%node_url' => url('node/'. $node->nid, array('absolute' => TRUE)),
'%node_type' => node_get_types('name', $node),
'%short_url' => $short_url,
'%title' => $node->title,
'%teaser' => $node->teaser,
'%body' => $node->body
If you read PHP code pretty well, you can see that I added one more variable to the options for the configurable Action we made. I've created a %short_url
variable that has taken the old %node_url
data and retrieved a shorter version from the site. To get it to print out the shorter URL, though, you have to go back to "Administer"->"Site configuration"->"Actions" and configure the action we made in Step IV to use %short_url
instead of %node_url
. (Of course, to get this to work, you have to replace the BITLY_API_ID
with the ones supplied in your account page.)
Appendix B: Keeping Track of the Character Count
Since I want to post these pithy reviews to Twitter, I want to know how many characters long the title and body with all the formatting is. Therefore, I created the "count_characters" module. First, I created
file as follows:
; $Id$
name = Count Characters
description = Adds a custom listing of how many characters are left.
php = 5.1
core = 6.x
Then, I created the count_characters.module
file where I Add space to list the characters in all content add/edit forms and include the forthcoming JavaScript file:
< ?php
* Implementation of hook_form_alter().
function count_characters_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if (substr($form_id, -10) == '_node_form') {
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'count_characters') .'/count_characters.js', 'module');
$form['count_chars'] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#prefix' => '',
'#value' => 'Character Count: Unknown',
'#suffix' => '',
'#weight' => '-5',
Finally, here's some JavaScript that uses the JQuery library built into Drupal to count up the size of the title and body and tell you how many characters this will be on Twitter. This is count_characters.js
if (Drupal.jsEnabled)
$("#edit-title").keyup(function() { calculateTotalChars(); });
$("#edit-body").keyup(function() { calculateTotalChars(); });
function calculateTotalChars()
titleCount = $("#edit-title").val().length;
bodyCount = $("#edit-body").val().length;
totalChars = titleCount + 2 + bodyCount + 1 + 19;
Note that in line 11, we not only take the length of the title and body together, but add some more characters. The URL should be 18 or 19 characters, at the most, and then we have 2 characters for ": " between the title and the body and 1 for another space between the body and the URL. Save these files in sites/all/modules/custom/count_characters/
and then enable the module via the "Administer"->"Site building"->"Modules" page. Now we know exactly how many characters our Twitter post will be!
Final Thoughts
For a weekend project, this is a great start of a site hat may prove to be a useful little site someday. There were a couple other things I did, such as customizing the color of the Garland theme, customizing the comment settings, and enabling OpenID for commenters to login via OpenID if they like. Of course, there's always more work to do, such as creating a custom design, added embedded versions of movie trailers to each post, and maybe integrating with other social media services. But that's for another weekend project!
Steve Jobs Lied to Me
Last week, at this time, I was having major problems with my laptop. Sometime around 6pm on Sunday, my MacBook Pro suddenly decided it could not use DHCP anymore. (DHCP, for the uninitiated, is the ability for your computer to just work when you join a network. If you don't have DHCP, you have to know a valid IP address, the gateway IP address, and IP addresses of working DNS servers to connect to the same network. DHCP just asks the router to give this to you automatically.) So, upon realizing it was my computer only, I tried testing it at the neighbor's house (because our Internet connection is crappy, at best). While over there, I had Collin check the router and he said the router was handing me all the usual DHCP information, but apparently my Apple MacBook Pro was just not recognizing it. I went to bed early and hoped we could get it working tomorrow. During lunch on Monday, I checked at work to make sure their network was giving my machine the same problem. It was, so I signed up for a meeting with a "Genius" at the Apple Store. After waiting for 25 minutes for the Genius Bar to get to my turn, I spent a half hour working with the "Genius" to figure it out. Most of the stuff he wanted to do I had already tried, such as booting Mac OS X in safe mode and even resetting the power system. He booted from a FireWire external drive and the networking worked there, so it was a software problem. We tried deleting a number of network-related settings files, which magically recreate themselves with the default settings in case something has gone wrong. But, still, the "Genius" hadn't seen this problem before, and therefore he didn't know of any good solution besides the dreaded "Archive and Install" procedure. Why the "dreaded" Archive and Install? Well, because the process of backing up all your system and user files and then installing Mac OS X anew took two and a half hours! OK, so it only took an hour and a half, but there was another hour of running all those software updates to get my MacBook Pro up to date. That's a long time. Windows doesn't even take that long, I don't think. So what's the problem? I believed the whole Apple hype that the Mac OS X experience was better than Windows Vista. Yes, I got this issue fixed with only a day and a half of my free time taken away, but what would I have been out if I had a Windows problem? With this kind of networking problem on Windows, all I've usually had to do is get a newer version of the hardware's driver or slap the side of the tower and it would kick back into gear. I would've had better ideas of how to fix it on Windows because of years of experience with it, but with Mac OS X I had to go see an "Genius" who really had no insight at all. Is the romance with Apple over? Far from it! I've got an iPhone and everything on my laptop is working again. I like the fact that there is someone I can go to and try to get help for my computer - there's no such person on the PC world because the manufacturer and Microsoft just keep pointing fingers at each other. After getting Mac OS X reinstalled, I only had to move my Applications and User folder back into the live system from the backup and I was up and running with the exact same preferences and settings as I had before. On a Windows machine, most of my data is in my "Documents and Settings" area, but tons of my settings are scattered throughout the rest of the computer as well. People talk about companies that need to be more open and public. Companies should listen to their customers. Apple makes cool products, but they always do it their way. They never listen to their customers until a raging mob starts pounding down the doors at Cupertino. They develop software for Windows but purposely leave out the features that would really make the application useful and keep those for Mac OS X. And, for Windows, there's a Knowledge Base article with five solutions to fix almost every problem - for Apple's support website, they'll just tell you to restart the computer and then go to see the "Genius" if it doesn't work. I'm not too mad at Apple - I just wish Apple would wake up to the world they live in and start acting like a real company. I wish they'd really work to help their customers. But, then again, maybe that's what makes Apple cool and keeps people sleeping on the sidewalk for days in order to be the first to touch their product.