Shady Mall Carts (Part One)

OK, so I don't really have a series yet. But I've always found those vendor carts at the Mall of America (and, well, every mall) to be a bit shady. Here's exhibit #1:

Just in case you can't read it, the sign says "Version Wireless" (as opposed to Verizon Wireless and what I thought it was at first, Verision Wireless, thanks Josh). They at least sell cellular phone accessories, and maybe they sell phones and phone plans as well. This was the only time I found the place unopened, which is a bit disappointing, but still, it's shady.



I've seen this one too and laughed at it a few times. You should also write about those annoying people who constantly ask if they can put lotion on you. I've actually complained to the Mall's management about how obnoxious they are.

Dan, it actually says "Version Wireless"

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