Apple and EMI Announced Change In The Music Industry

On Monday, Apple and EMI Music announced that EMI will be taking DRM off of their music on iTunes. The DRM-free singles will cost $1.29 instead of $0.99, but besides being DRM-free, they will also be twice the audio quality. Also, if you purchase the whole album, it is the same price and is the higher-quality, DRM-free tracks. They announced that this would be going live in May. Apple's Steve Jobs says that he expects that more labels will jump on the bandwagon and that by the end of the year, more than 50% of the music in iTunes will be higher-quality and DRM-free.

So is this good? Heck yes. Steve Job's open letter really paid off. People will like it because it has no DRM and/or is better quality. I like both and will be more inclined to buy off iTunes now. However, I still think CDs are a bit nicer and I like the album artwork and such.



Yey! Maybe I might start thinking about using the iTunes store now. Maybe...

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