ConceptShare: Web Collaboration for Designers

ConceptShare LogoThis tool might become the best friend of web designers and layout people from around the web. With ConceptShare, you can use their free, web-based collaboration tool for any design project you're working on. This short tour gives a quick look at what you could do with it. I bet some web development companies with clients in other states or countries could really use something like this instead of trying to talk about a design over the phone because you can highlight and draw basic outlines on the image itself as well as leave comments. Of course, it would work to collaborate with other graphics/media types as well as web design, but my focus is definitely web-related.



Huh, that's funny. Jennifer and I where just talking about how she needs a better way to present designs and get feedback from clients. So far, I think we've only had one client who's even been in the same state as us.

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