I Walk The Line

An article I found in today's local news site was about a student who spoke out for his faith. I definitely urge you to read this badly-written, biased story.

What's wrong with it? Well, it seems to propose what Ben Kessler said was wrong. It only mentions people who were disgruntled with his statement. Was Ben Kessler the only one who has these opinions? Hardly.

If it were my graduation, I'd risk the boos and heckling to cheer Ben on. He was voted Tommie of the Year, so why not let him say his peice? Nobody would have given him trouble if he did the usual "y'all did good" speech. If you're not challenged at a graduation, then what good did the graduation speech do? The graduates certainly won't remember it in a couple years. It won't change their life.

Besides, this could be the start of the University of St. Thomas becoming a Roman Catholic university. For years, St. Thomas has been trying to be the most secular university possible without losing their Roman Catholic roots. If the administration was smart, they'd stop being the mediocre institution they have been for years and start being a real Catholic university. Support the students who represent the Roman Catholic church teaching well.

And if the Star Tribune wants to do a good job with their writing, why not talk to the head of the Vianney Seminary? Or, better yet, ask the Archbishop who was there was they thought? What did graduates who have Catholic Studies degrees think?

At least the President of the university, who has rarely had a thought of his own and usually just spends his 20 minutes reading from a book of quotes, said it was important "to treat one another with respect as we speak and as we listen, regardless of how controversial an issue may be."

Sheesh. I knew I should have gone to the U of M.



woah. Badly written is right! It would have been very interesting to be there, and see how I would actually receive it. I wonder what would have happened if the bishop or some priest had said that stuff...

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