When I'm Open Wide With Nothing Left To Cling To

This is killing me.

My iPod hasn't worked for the last two or three weeks and now my computer seems to be having problems now too.

What's going on? Please pray that things start working here soon or God tells me what he's trying to say. My time to work on projects such as inReview.net is limited enough without spending all that time on fixing my iPod.

Well, hopefully if I take it back to the Apple Store they'll replace it or let me buy a new one or something. That would be cool. Especially since Dad says I need to have the iPod working in a couple weeks for our trip to Indiana for Laura's graduation. So I better get it working.



I feel like it's my fault somehow. But I will be praying!! can't wait to see youu soon!

What?? It's not your fault at all!

Oh, Dan,
Dad says we could bring a few CD's or he might put the 8 track tape deck back in so we can listen to the Bee-Gees.


That's funny, MOM.

Apple gave me a replacement iPod today, and so far, so good.

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