After All This Has Passed, I Still Will Remain

Here's a quick blog post.

My iPod wasn't working all week. I don't know what was the problem, but I think Windows decided not to play nice with Apple this week.

In less than an hour last night I launched a website: I got to go out for drinks afterward too. (It looked cooler, but we had to scale the site back a bit this morning.)

This weekend I'm going on a People of Praise retreat. It should be great, and I hope it gives perspective on the lifetime committment I may be making this fall to be a part of it. It's exciting.



Hey Dan-man. I just signed up! Where do I go for my new way to live?? Who gets the e-mail? I am interested in how the response will be worded... :)

Well, it's mostly for University of Minnesota peoples. We're trying to spread the word about our life in Dinkytown, and this is an easy way for them to contact us and tell us they're interested.

Lifetime commitment?

Heck yes. One of the many things that is great about the People of Praise is that we make a covenant to each other to live in community.

This commitment is not taken lightly, and there's something amazing about the idea of living your entire life with a group of people. One thing that has been said is, "The best man at your wedding will also be at your funeral." That's a commitment to living Christian life together that I don't think can be found many other places.

I wonder if you could tie in this website and its responders to

That way, the responses from POP could directly respond to particulars of a life that sucks with particulars about a life that doesn't suck. (Like BBedit.)

Also, you could join forces with the creators of and have the submission complete page forward to!

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