Too Bad Nobody Reads Your Little Time Magazine

There's no denying that the movies are not as popular as they used to be. And well, everybody seems to have their reasons why. This excellent article in Time proposes that George Lucas's promotion of the digital projector could save the movie houses. But who knows? I know I'm looking forward to see V For Vendetta on the big screen sometime soon!



Wow, someone I "know" that wants to see V for Vendetta!

As far as the movie article, I think Hollywood is less ignorant of what's going on than teh RIAA is concerning music. Whereas the RIAA has their collective heads plowed into the sand on any reason to the decline in the music industry aside from "free" downloading, Hollywood at least acknowledges that movie piracy is not the sole cause of declining revenues. Not that they admit the truth, mind you, but they at least have the semblance of having an open mind.

Lower quality movies, uninteresting movies, more of the same (my Hollywood motto: if it was successful once, it'll be much more successful when repeated 500 time; the same could be said of music), rude people at theatres, COMMERCIALS (which are supposed to offset costs, but we're still paying MORE for tickets -- where's my commercial money?), and outrageously-priced refreshments ($3 for a small box of popcorn!!!!) all contribute to people not wanting to go to the theatre. Admittedly, the shorter time to seeing a film on DVD does play a part, but I contend that it actually helps things, as there are things I wouldn't go see in the theatre, but I'd consider it on DVD (see all the reasons above).

I'll stop rambling now, though that's apparently too late.

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