Like A Million Parachutes

University of St. Thomas Chapel Winter Photo

Isn't the snow outside pretty? Oh wait, that picture was taken over three years ago. But hey, it's still a great one and it captures the look outside right now. Not only did we get almost a foot of snow, but it seems to stick to everything. Many schools cancelled today, so not much happened today. Even at my work, the power was only kinda working and the Internet would not start up. So I even left work after a half day. It was a weird and fun day, plus I've been waiting for all this snow for a long time. It was great.



Beautiful picture.

I remember in '97, we had the great ice storm which pretty much shut Houston down completely for a couple of days. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of snow around here, but it's not the kind that's legal (and possibly not even naturally occurring).

yo! I'm here in South Bend and I miss that beautiful SNOW!! AND YOU! I am visiting your blog because I am thinking of you on your bday! love you! Laura

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