Revenge of the Nerds

Bill Gates at Apple from Pirates of Silicon ValleyIn the spirit of Tuesday's rather boring keynote speech, I rented a movie. It's a rather small movie made by some computer geeks called Pirates of Silicon Valley. It's a fun and interesting dramatization of the early days of Apple and Microsoft. It's also very interesting to see a time when Apple was bigger than Microsoft. Plus, all the characters are well-fleshed out and very historically accurate from what I know. If you're a geek, get some history and a bit of fun with this engaging movie. It may be a bit too focused on the big personality of Steve Jobs, but that's not the movie creator's problem because Steve is a hippie, very demanding, and not easy to work with.



thats a good one. i pirated that one. get it?

alright really bad joke

I remember wathcing that movie on cable. It was on back to back so saw it twice. It was really good.

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