Word(Press) 2 The Man

Well, for a week now I've been using the brand new WordPress 2.0 to power my blog. It only officially released yesterday, so I guess I'm a bit ahead of some people.

What are my thoughts? Well, the rich text editor was pissing me off, but I might turn it back on, I dunno. Maybe not, though, because I'm fine with coding HTML. There's a couple other things I need to get used to, and they're coming along a bit.

This weekend I wanted to stretch my coding muscle and decided to try to write a plug-in for WordPress to support my spiffy update blog design. In case you didn't notice, the top of the page does a random image and associated text at the top. It's pretty slick, but it wasn't the easiest thing to get working.

I used the add_action('wp_head', 'rand_head_css'); hook to add the image into the style via CSS, and it looks beautiful. But getting the text was a bit harder. I wanted to use an add_filter() hook to change the description, but as far as I can tell, that's not doable. So I just hard-coded the random text function into my template. Not as cool, but I guess it works.

I guess I'll have to code a backend for this soon because I don't like SSH terminals enough to want to insert the text into the database each time I make a new one. But don't worry, more will be coming.

If you're in IE, the top might look a bit horrendous. I might get around to fixing it, but just get FireFox already.



yeah, hand coding html beats rtf any day


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