My Ribs Are Bruised And It's Just Round Two

The last couple days I've seen a couple of movies. The first was OK, but the second was great.

So instead of spending a late work night sitting through King Kong, we went to Fun With Dick And Jane. It was pretty fun, but definitely not great. Jim Carrey is good and it was fun to see him, but it wasn't a great Jim Carrey movie. There are a lot of jokes about corporate America that started to get old by the end. Alec Baldwin plays a CEO who basically destroys a company for his own gain. He also imitates and makes jabs at Dubyah and that was funny.

Cinderella Man was a great movie. Of course, Russell Crowe was great. The boxing scenes were impressive. It wasn't an easy movie to watch because the Depression was hard. Give it a watch if you get a chance. I liked it a lot better than Ron Howard's last film, A Beautiiful Mind. This one has real heart.



dude, so it was so crazy. dan and i were talking today, and he was like, "has anyone here see cinderella man?" and im like, "yeah, i just saw it last night" and anyway it turns out that just about an hour after you guys finished watching it at your place, me and kevin and anne and annie and crew started it at annie's. creezy!

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