It's Less Than A Smash Hit

Sure, you thought Narnia opened well? Hardly.

Like this Hollywood insider says, people are hyping today's release, King Kong, just to distract people from the real attraction, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. If Kong is anything, it's three hours of stinkin' eye candy without any redeeming factors. Sure, that's what Lord of the Rings had, but Peter Jackson basically lost all of my respect with those movies anyways.

Sure, Narnia wasn't the best movie ever. But, then again, it's not the best Narnia book ever, it's just the original. I can tell you that I loved Narnia a lot, and it was definitely better than any of the Lord of the Rings movies. I think, too, that they can only get better. Do you want to watch a movie where three children save a magical world? Or do you want to see a big monkey fall in love with a girl? I know which one I'm looking forward to. Only one of them ever sounded cool to me. Ever since I heard Kong was being made, all I could say is, "What are they smoking?"



Why was Narnia definately better than the LOTR movies?

Hmmm... well, they didn't mutilate the story. They kept it. Plus, it reminded me of what it was like to be a kid. Also, I've always like Narnia a lot, so that probably has something to do with it.

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