This Is My Theme From Summer

So what am I thankful for this Thanksgiving?

I'm thankful that I got to hang out in pools and waterslides like it was the middle of the summer! (In reality, it was a high of 20 degrees outside, and I'm talking Yankee temps, not real temps.) My family took a two-night trip to The Wisconsin Dells, a touristy spot that makes it's bread 'n' butter on summer waterparks. At first I thought we were just gonne be stuck in a hotel for a couple days doin' nothin', but when I got there I found it wasn't any old hotel. The Great Wolf Lodge doesn't just have 500 rooms and look Log Cabin-style, it's got some great waterworks, and almost all of it is indoors!

The big buket overturns photo.We went down at least six different waterslides at least 50 times in those couple days, plus spent a lot of time in the "lazy river" and even more in the hot tub (the one that's for adults only, of course). One of the funnest attractions is a playground area, on top of which there is a 1,000-gallon bucket that dumps the water all over the room every five minutes. Their biggest ride is the tornado ride, where a four-person inner tube enters a crazy ride of water, swirling funnels, and screaming. And remember to watch the first drop! I surely wouldn't mind going back sometime next year, when they'll have a whole new section of their indoor waterpark with a wave pool and at least four more nice waterslides.

What else besides keeping the "Theme From Summer" going? Well, it was great to hang out with my family, especially since I hadn't seen half of them in the last three months. It was tons of fun, even though my parent's house just makes me sick.

Oh yeah, and I'm thankful for beer too.



Dan, Maybe you should specify WHY you parents' house makes you sick...

Alright... so the mold or something that mom swears isn't there causes an allergic reaction or something. In other words, yes, it's not the decoration of the house, it's just the house that makes me sick.

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