The Things You Said Seem To Find Their Way Back Into My Head

Life. It's amazing, but it's tough.

This afternoon some very important people in my life hit me over the head with a two-by-four. It's a shame they had to do it, but all too often I need a kick in the ass to get me moving. Thanks, Lord, for letting them do it in a very kind and generous way.

Please keep me in your prayers. I'm mostly over the easy part of realizing that they were 100% correct in what they said, but the hard part is following through. It will be a great excersize, though, in perseverance and endurance, because I realize I've hardly ever done something with my whole heart and mind before. But I've got to, so I will ...with your prayers and God's grace.

"...And I regret my ways
You never left
Remind me once again so I won't forget
You're never far away."



Dan I'll be praying for you.
I'm here for you all the way brother!

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