What Are Good Boys Doin' In A Rock 'n' Roll Band?

This is amazing. Rolling Stone has an great, very in-depth interview with Bono. He talks about his roots, his faith, and much more. It explains those many reasons that I love U2, even if my weird roomates think they're crap.

One of my roommates was saying that the band is "too political". Well, sure, they're political, but I wouldn't say they're too political. They're at least social justice minded, but it's not like they take their politics to an extreme. Besides, it takes some guts to have somewhat political views, and most seem to refuse to do it. In other words, I respect political opinons.



Okay, you wouldn't say that a politician is too political. You wouldn't say a teacher is too political, you wouldn't say a student is too political. Why are celebrities exempt?

I still think it takes real guts for a celebrity to be political. It's a lot easier to just sing about girls and cars. If you sing about politics, you're necessarily going to alienate part of your audience.

I'm not discounting this post, but I did write it while on a break at work. I couldn't formulate it as much as I wished to. Maybe I'll go back and support it a bit more.

They are political in a vague sense. They speak of love and other easy things to talk about. They also talk about Bloody Sunday and things of that nature. But how does love each other help the situation and the wrong in the world? Weve heard it so often its lost its meaning to just love. And just loving the hurricane victims doesnt help- we need concrete action!!! I want to see someone right solutions to the problems. Given, t most great artist do just like i said. Dylan propheticly describes what problems are in the world also. So this isnt a criticism of U2 but really judging music in general. And you of all people know i heart Bobbie Zimmerman. Oh and just to make myself clear - I love U2! i mean "i heart them" (wait isnt that a U2 song title?) Just joshing. Well Pride is great song and theres a special place in my heart for that song. "...early morning April Forth.." thats actually is my brithday!! Too bad its a downer of a day because hes talking about Martin Luther King Jr. getting shot. But out of struggle great things are born... like me. U should continue 2 have whats entering your ear holes play as normal!! - Da Later Man (guess Da doesnt work infront of everything) -Word

I guess it's mostly that I don't listen to the radio and am still discovering half of U2's catalogue. Most of it is still new to me, not overplayed like for the rest of the world. Sadly, that's mostly because I started listening to crappy Christian music before I started listening to higher-quality music.

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