My First Live Post

This is the first time I have done "live blogging." I'm at the TCPHP meeting and there's been a couple things that have come up in the last hour of talking about goo programming practices and such.

The big thing I heard about was Allie's mention of Xdebug. The biggest thing it does is replace PHP's basic error handler and include a more informative error system that includes a stack trace. Check out the nice screens. I think I'll have to install this on my development machine.



I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about here! will I ever understand?

DEFINETLY going to install this. I've been wanting stack traces for a while but never got around to figuring out how to do it.

No, sis, you probably won't. Well, apparently if you major in math at St. Mary's, you might be able to understand a bit of it.

Hey Dan-man! Been a long-a time! Sorry we never got together before we left MN but we were overbooked. We'll have to get together again when we're back in town this Christmas! By the way, we're back in New Orleans and workin' hard, as you can see from our blog at But I finally got a chance to get back online and had to check your old blog entries that I'd missed. Which brings me to the real reason I am writing via this entry: I used to work with Allie Micka when I started my first job out of college! This was at, and she was the Coldfusion expert while I worked on Templates. We had many the stop-motion animation conversation, lemme tell ya. Small world!

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