Wanna Go To Madagascar?

You won't get that until you go see The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy. But I'm not saying you have to.

The movie was fairly good. It's definitely full of the weird British humor that makes you chuckle more than laugh out loud, just like the books (or at least that's what it does to me). Martin Freeman is amazing, Mos Def is cool enough, both of Sam Rockwell's heads steal the show, and Zooey Deschanel just looks just as hot as she did in that little elf suit at a department store in that one Christmas movie with Will Farrel. ;-)

Like I said, it's not so amazing it's required viewing, but it's at least worth a watch, no matter if it's in theaters or on DVD. I guess I wouldn't mind them making more if they wanted, but I kinda doubt it'll happen. Just remember to bring your towel along!



And now you know where the 42 in my email addresses come from. I read the trilogy in college, which is now over 20 years ago. Yikes!!!! Ever since then, 42 has been a big part of my random number generation.

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