The Countdown Is On!

Let's celebrate! Today marks 50 days 'till Star Wars: Episode 3 hits theaters! To celebrate, I used some of my birthday money and ordered the DVD of Star Wars: Clone Wars Vol. 1. It should be interesting to see what happened between II and III in an animated cartoon format.



Clone Wars ROX!!!

I bought it on a lark Friday night at Sam's and watched half of it that night and the rest Sat. morning. Wow! I can't wait until Vol 2 to get the rest of it. So many cool episodes and just incredibly cool stuff that happens. I'd love to hear what you have to say about it after you get it.


Thanks for the comment, Jack!

I was pretty wary at first becuase I had read lots of reviews on it but had not actually heard from somebody I know who has seen it. It's always better when somebody you can really trust gives it a good word.

So, Dan, did you ever get this disc? have you watched it? whatddaya think? bored minds are wont to know.

Oh yeah, I got it. It was pretty cool. I hope the new movie's gonna be cool too.

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