Join The Revolution

I don't know exactly what the problem is, mostly because I haven't had the guts to sign up for an account. But, the way it's talked about, it can't be good. So I'm joining Colleen's campaign:

 Just Say No.

My brother, who does nothing with computers (except when he was addicted to Age of Empires) even said it was cool. That's enough to scare me away from it. Now, if it was made by Google, I'd probably be there. But it's not.



Amen! We are going to start a revolution!

Do I have to do anything to join this revolution? I really like joining things if I dont' have to do anything. Does this involve me leaving my apartment other than going to work or church? Do we get jackets? or at least a cool t-shirt? Maybe a button or two?

Inquiring minds think too much. Religion is not on the back of a cereal box; it's usually not found in churches, either. Interaction fraction faction reaction compaction oh action.

Hey, will there be beheadings with this revolution? 'Tis a far, far better galaxy in the best and worst of times tables. Lend me your ears; mine went running with the nose.
(Are you worried yet? I am.)

Eh, I appreciate the Facebook. It's kind of neat to see a visualization of how all of your friends are connected. The coolest feature I've found is the ability to search for people who went to me high school. I've been able to see what a lot of my former classmates are up to now. It's like a little 3 year reunion for me. :-)

Interesting. I have seen thefacebook as an insidious evil since the beginning. In fact, I've debated getting the domain and making the anti-facebook. However, I don't have time. I must confess though, I'm in the facebook. I don't do anything with it. I just sit there and see who finds me. So far, 21 people and 2 groups have found me. It's interesting to see, though, that there are others out there. I wonder how popular could be.

Well if you dont want to sign up to facebook give your college addy to someone who does!!!! because there is no way of signing up unless your a school listed. My uni is NOT one listed!!!!! and it really F@~!S me off because I all my friends are on it!!!!
so if your going to say no please please please say yes to me!!! :) just need ya email and for u to confirm then I can change it all once im singed up!
and all the rest of ya not signing up you should give your e-mails out to the people who want and sadly need them! haha

Sign me up! The facebook is slowly taking over everyone I know. Its a terrible thing. It pains me to see the horror firsthand of roomates spending 3 hours at a time satiating their crack, err, facebook lust. I'm with you guys 100%!

I have a roomate who has the nagging habit of looking up close friends that I have mentioned in conversations with her or other people when she is around, she then went on to contact MY close friends that she has no relation to and began talking to them. I have a few friends that thought it was extremely weird that my roomate that they had never met was talking to them and was disturbed. On top of that one of my roomates listed our apartment number on the page which I feel is another invasion of privacy!

Facebook is the DEVIL. Everyone was fine at my school until one day the facebook came in and took over like Walmart to a mom and pop store. This thing is like a viral outbreak. It just got too big too fast and now dang near everyone in hooked. This is the worse. What is the real point? To see how many more friends you have than the other person so you can feel good about yourself, be for real! This is just the government's way of keeping up with the new generation, and now they have us where they want us. Next we will be wearing collars to show where we are at all times and it all started with the facebook. There is even a group on facebook of people who think I should join the facebook. I like facebook about as much as I like getting kicked in the crotch!

Well, now I have a better inling of what facebook is. Yes, it is evil.

And don't knock getting kicked in the crotch; you could win money on AFV, or at least be humiliated before all America! Then you don't need no stinkin' facebook; all of America would know you ;-)

lol... I think it's kinda nice for keeping in contact with graduates now taht I've graduated from school. It's better than those people at that have too much money for advertising. But why you'd use it while in school mystefies me...

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