Job Prospects

Well, either the market for IT jobs is picking up or God is finally saying it's time for me to get a job. ;-)

Yesterday I was told from a friend that works at a local tech company that I will be getting an interview with them. He should know, because his cousin is the HR guy in charge. Plus, I feel I have a chance because a couple other people that I know work there. The best part is that they're developing the latest wireless internet technology, so it's a good industry to be in.

And then, this morning I found a position that looked pretty good and just submitted my resumé for it. I didn't think that anything would come of it (because nothing has come of submitting resumés for the last six months anyways), but an hour or two later the HR person called me back and I have an interview for Wednesday afternoon.

Please pray that these go well and that I end up at the right spot through all of this.



That's awesome! I'm sure your interviews will go well. :)

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