Gotta Be Creative

That's right. One of the reasons I got this blog was so I could be creative and play around with the design. So I've spent a bunch of this afternoon and came up with this. I'm not sure it's as cool as that default, but it gets more points because it's not the default. If you're reading this blog in FireFox or another standards-compliant browser (mostly just not IE), you should see a cool watermark thingy at the bottom of your page.

Probably the coolest part is that I only changed some CSS information to get from the last look to this one. Of course, that might change if I decide to lay out the whole thing completely weird. Or something...

I guess the color scheme is a large shout-out to my peeps at UST.



um, i use IE and i can see the watermark. :P

NO, you really can't. It looks WAY cooler on Safari or FireFox.

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