Album Of The Day: Love & Thunder by Andrew Peterson

Album Art of Andrew Peterson's Love And Thunder album - A beautiful but simple painting of a barren, brown landscape of rolling hills of brown with larger, darker hills in the background. The sky is a dark blue, almost gray or black, except for a bit more light in the top left. In the middle of the sky, a faded white square is on top of the painting and has the artist name printed in a dark blue and the album title below it in a slightly smaller, dark red.

This is the first album I ever heard from Andrew Peterson, and the first few times, I wasn't really too enthralled with it. But over time, it made me a huge fan of the artist and his many works. Andrew Peterson does a great job of writing slightly sad songs that point to God as the solution to our problems and encourage me in my daily life. The album is a beautiful bit of Americana, with the lap steel, fiddle and mandolin in all the right spots. The album ends with one of my favorite songs of all time, "After The Last Tear Falls", a declaration that after all of life's struggles and tears, God will be there with his never-ending love. This is a great album and still one of my favorites in Andrew Peterson's nearly 30-year career as a singer-songwriter.

Release Year: 2003
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