Album Of The Day: Hold Still by Taylor Leonhardt

Album Art of Taylor Leonhardt's Hold Still album - A woman sitting in a room on a wooden loveseat with leather seating, it looks to me. The wall behind is light green, and on both sides of the loveseat is endtables with 3 books under a small potted plant on the left, and one book in front of a larger potted plant, with a mug and some decorative glass jars on top of the book. The young white woman is sitting on the loveseat in leather boots and a long flower-print green dress. She's looking at the camera with a bit of a hesitant expression and has her hands resting on her lap. There is the edge of a dark red carpet in front of the loveseat and the rest of the floor is wood. In the blank space above the woman on the wall, the artist name is hand-written in a simple script and the album title is printed in a light brown below that.

When this was released, it ended up near the top of best album lists of the year of a number of Christian music fans, including mine (if I made a list). Taylor Leonhardt sometimes writes hymns and worship songs, but that's not what she's doing as a solo artist here. She's instead being a singer-songwriter, writing honest and introspective songs on her struggles with relationships with friends and family, understanding the nature of God, and more. It's a lot of ideas that many of us can identify with, though maybe it's a bit too honest for some listeners who want to hear only encouraging, positive music that glosses over life's hardships. The music is beautifully recorded with a full band pop/rock and maybe a bit country sound. Taylor's lyrics and heartfelt vocals are the focus, though, and this album is deserving of all the praise it got. I was happy to support this artist's Kickstarter campaign to make this album, and I'm so happy with the album she released.

Release Year: 2021
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