Album Of The Day: Stereotype Be by Kevin Max

Album Art of Kevin Max's Stereotype Be album - A photo of a man looking at the camera and lit from the front, with a shadow of a building and a blue sky behind them. A bit of the green grass can be seen from the lighting as well, but much of the middle background is in the shadow of the building. The man is wearing a large-brimmed hat that is not lit, and it shades his eyes and forehead from view. We can see his nose, lips and goatee, They are wearing a stylish striped coat of mostly a beige color with black and red stripes. His right hand is reaching towards the camera. The artist name is in large, decorative letters in white. Below that is the album title in a smaller, simpler font. Below that in smaller letters is the track titles and the label catalog number in an oval printed over the photo in white.

If you've been reading my Album Of The Day posts for a while, you may have picked up that I'm a fan of the bit offbeat, artsy music along with some of the normal standards. So when Christian pop/rock/rap band DC Talk broke up, it's not too surprising that my favorite release was from Kevin Max, the member with the crazy harmonies and the poems. Max's first solo album, co-produced with Adrian Belew (King Crimson), is definitely an artsy rock record. Kevin Max's powerhouse vocals take center stage along with lots of musical sounds including some Middle Eastern styles and other world music. With songs like "Be" and "I Don't Belong", it's an album about individuality and universal themes more than the spirituality that was front and center in DC Talk. It's still a great listen and one of my favorite albums from Toby, Mike and Kevin in the last 25 years.

Release Year: 2001
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