Album Of The Day: Songs by Rich Mullins

Album Art of Rich Mullins's Songs album - A photo of a man standing in front of an old stone doorway with a wooden door that has a red hue and some ornate black metalwork coming from its hinges. The man has shoulder-length brown hair and is wearing black. He's facing towards the camera, but has his hands completely covering his face. The outline of the word 'songs' is printed over the image, and in a smaller white font the artist name is printed to the right of that.

Throughout the '80s and '90s, Rich Mullins was writing the best songs in Christian music, first for Amy Grant and then for his own albums. After 8 studio albums in 10 years and just over a year before he would pass away in a tragic car accident, Rich Mullins and his label released this best-of compilation. It is some of the best of the previous albums, including the songs that became modern worship choruses, "Awesome God" and "Sometimes By Step", plus other favorites like "Calling Out Your Name", "Creed" and "Hold Me Jesus". Included is a re-recording of his first album hit, "Elijah", and a new song, "We Are Not As Strong As We Think We Are". And I love Rich's version of "Sing Your Praise To The Lord", originally recorded by Amy Grant, with its extended instrumental intro as the opening song. I definitely love to listen to his entire discography despite all it's '80s production cheese, but this is some of his best and at least the most popular all on one album.

Release Year: 1996
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